

A dragon is blowing clouds of smoke around you. Can you live with the unknown?

What does the unknown mean to you? 
What mystery in your life would you like to solve?

What mystery does the Universe hold for you?

What feelings do the ideas of the unknown provoke in you? Is it fear? Does it excite you? Do you go with the flow?

How do you cope with these emotions? How do you help others cope?

How might you explore the unknown to know it better? Or is it better left a mystery?

Pardon the Blasphemy.

Hail Caffeinia!

Come, dwell in the sacred cup and be pleased by my offerings of cream and sugar.

Oh, bitter-sweet, varied one, grant me strength to see this day through.

Ward off the chill of dawn and protect me from idleness.

Praise Caffeinia, the Dark conquering queen!


-Hymn to Caffeinia. To be sung in humble fashion while coffee is made, regardless of how supplicant is preparing the blessed nectar, for all forms of enjoyment are appropriate offerings. Composed by D. R. Moundshroud for The Gate & Key Society.

Monday Meditation Series 001.

Today is unique.

You may do the same things you do each day. You may be near the same people in the same places you have been before.

However, none of those happenings, none of those people, none of those places have ever been what they will be today. Nor will they be the same in the future.

This day, your day, will happen only once.

What will you see today?

What will you create today?

What will you become today?